Many people are hurting as they are more desperate, isolated, and alone than ever before. You may be one of them. Is it any wonder that depression and anxiety are among the top medical issues in the United States today?
There is no doubt that America is undergoing a major transformation that isn’t necessarily good. Still, I believe it’s necessary. The Church, its leaders, and Christ’s disciples (i.e., Christians) need to wake up. As a fewer number of churches host larger numbers of Christians and politics replaces the fullness of the Christian faith in practice, our identity is changing – And not for the better.
Still, so many of us are so busy being busy we don’t have time for church. The data shows that just in the last three years alone, over 15 million people have stopped attending a local church. The warning signs have been there for two decades.
For those who do go to church, larger ones offer an opportunity for people to attend anonymously. They use the amazing resources of these churches but don’t give anything back. We’ve made Church into a consumer model that just happens to allow us to check off a box that says we fulfilled some kind of obligation that absolves us of any negative feelings for another week.
Additionally, as more Christians embrace politics, it’s become their identity. It’s their filter for their worldview and how they experience what’s going on around them. Some would rather influence the political system to achieve an outcome rather than live their lives in the fullness of our faith in Christ in their homes and communities.
It feels cleaner, easier, and less messy… While also allowing one only to interact with those who agree with them to avoid conflict and confrontation. Unfortunately, too many times when there is interaction with those outside the conservative Christian political camp with those on the other, it becomes angry, vitriolic, and condemning.
Is this what Christ has called us to?
Think about it… if you’re a Christian isn’t it expected you’re a Republican? It’s subtle but profound. This shift in identity changes who we are at our core. We start focusing on issues instead of caring for and loving people. This leads to harshness and callousness.
The change in Christian identity is one key reason why those who say they believe in the core tenets of Christianity and of Jesus of Nazareth are leaving the church.
At the core of the identity shift, I believe so many are leaving the Church because it isn’t following its mandate to share one another’s burdens, care for those less fortunate than us, and worship in Spirit and truth.
There is a relationship component that is lacking and a lack of relationship leads to miscommunications, distrust, and dechurching.
When our identity in Christ gets tampered with, why do we need church?
The fact is, we don’t. That’s the problem.
Okay, this is just a sample of what I have to say in the video.
I know I’m way oversimplifying this in a very short time. My goal is to ask you a very serious question…
What is your identity or who is your identity in?
The answer says everything you need to know.
Chat Soon,
Father Don