Has your marriage been a challenge for too long? Does it seem that day after day, your hope is slipping away and you’re mentally, physically, and spiritually exhausted?

I’m going to share a secret. Your hope for the future has nothing to do with the past.

It has everything to do with the present and the future.

See, it’s never too late for hope, healing, and restoration!!!

It may not feel like it.

That’s exactly where our enemy wants you. Satan wants you defeated. He wants you so bruised that you or your spouse won’t reconcile. He’ll throw everything at you and the kitchen sink.

He’ll try to tell you that you aren’t worthy of one another. He’ll ask if forgiveness is really possible. He’ll try to persuade you that your spouse will never change, or that there is no reason to remain in your marriage.

It’s all a lie. If he can shatter your world, he can turn you from Christ and deep dive you into despair and hopelessness. He can pry you away from your hope and faith in Christ.

See, love is a commitment. It’s not a feeling. Yet, the devil wants you to believe that your emotions are more powerful than God’s truth.

No matter the wrongs you’ve committed or those committed against you, there is always forgiveness and hope.

Here’s the thing…

Hope and forgiveness start with the Lord.

It starts by truly being His disciple and learning to become an imitator of Him. It starts by embracing the adversity you’re enduring, knowing that it brings about perseverance, character, and hope, and hope never fails (Romans 3:5).

Hope, healing, and restoration start with you. It begins with turning to God and remaining committed to Him. Loving your spouse no matter how much they’ve hurt you and doing what’s right over and over again is a choice.

It’s about choosing to become the “new” man or woman in Christ that you were always meant to be.

Transformation is a process.

Sometimes it takes time. It will be hard.

Yet, trusting Jesus leads to the type of transformation that heals wounds, re-kindles relationships, and empowers marriages to thrive.

That may seem so far away right now.

It doesn’t have to be.

If you feel like this is a challenge in your marriage, there is hope and help. There’s a good chance this will help you…

Just click here

Father Don