As I write this email this morning, it’s snowing here in Lancaster, PA. There’s just something special about a snowfall. There’s a peace about it in the midst of a storm. For a few minutes, or hours, life slows down as we enjoy the beauty of the scenery and a warm fire.

In every storm of life, there is a blessing — If we choose to see it.

The problem is many rarely slow down to spend time with God, to seek wise counsel, and to learn what He is trying to show and teach them.

If you’re struggling to keep your work, marriage, and finances from collapsing and feel like your life is a hot mess…

If it seems that hope is fleeting and you’re unsure what to do next…

God can turn your mess into a blessing.

The Bible is full of such stories.

Joseph was sold into slavery. He was falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife of trying to come on to her. He was forgotten and abandoned in jail. Yet, everything he touched prospered because of his heart and relationship with God. Ultimately, Joseph ascended to the second highest rank in all of Egypt under Pharoah. God used Joseph’s trials to save his people.

Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, Samuel, David, and Daniel — All endured the most unimaginable tribulations. Yet, they trusted God.

Here’s the thing, we don’t know the beginning from the end.

You don’t know how God is going to work out this painful moment in your life.

Jesus does!

All of these people gained God’s approval by their faith. He turned their messes into blessings. They might not have experienced it that way at the moment. Yet, their lives impacted trillions because of their faith.

Your life only needs to impact your direct circle of influence to make a difference for generations to come — Your wife, kids, extended family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

It’s time to resolve your anger.

It’s time to let go of the pain you’ve been carrying for years or decades.

It’s time to relinquish your pride.

It’s time to live in His promises.

It’s time to live in the love, joy, hope, and peace that only Jesus promises. He does this and more in the midst of the raging storm.

How we live our lives determines the quality of our relationships with those we love and who love us.

Is it time to change and become the man or woman God has called you to be from the beginning?

If you feel like this is a challenge in your marriage, there is hope and help. There’s a good chance this will help you… Just click here.

Father Don