Since Jesus’ ascension into heaven, Christians have anxiously awaited His return for His Church. As such, in every century, people have tried to contextualize Revelation to their moment in time. 

We are no strangers to this, but times are very, very, different. 

We live in precarious and evil times.

Revelation is a book of symbolism and prophecy. It is not a narrative. The Apostle John is imprisoned on the Island of Patmos. God granted him the ability to see far into the future. Think about it for a moment… He had no words to explain a nuclear bomb, airplanes (let alone fighter jets), or our modern lives. 

He had to use historical accounts, words he knew, and imagery to explain what he saw as he looked into the future.

Every generation believes theirs is the one Christ will return for His Church. Yet, no generation has witnessed how things can change in the blink of an eye as quickly as this one… The fast-paced spread of news can lead to misinformation and disinformation. There are wars, rumors of wars, famines, hunger, genetic engineering that empowers humans to believe they are God, and technological advancements like we’ve never seen before. 

We just lived through the COVID-19 pandemic. We experienced how easy it would be for a government to seize people’s rights under the pretense of protecting us. If a truly devastating event happened that affected the globe, how easy would it be for the world to come together under one umbrella and control the economy?

How easy would it be for them to eradicate cash and force Christians to abandon their faith and pledge allegiance to a governmental system under the guise of unity and peace?

So, is the US in the Book of Revelation?

It’s very possible.

In Revelation 18,  the chapter starts with a mighty angel declaring that Babylon has fallen. This angel isn’t one of the seven angels in Revelation 17. Today, we know there is no literal Babylon. Yet, throughout the Scriptures, it is the symbol of wickedness and evil in the world.

So, who is the angel referring to?

Let’s look at the description given of Babylon (the controller of the world economy) in Chapter 18 one sentence at a time (Rev. 18:1-8):

  • A dwelling place for demons
  • Prison for every unclean and hateful bird
  • All nations have drunken of the wine of Babylon’s immorality
  • The kings of the earth committed acts of morality with Babylon
  •  Merchants (i.e., businesses) of the earth became rich by the wealth of her sensuality (some translations say prostitution)
  • Babylon’s sins are piled up as high as heaven
  • The nation glorified itself and lived in sensuality

What was the response (Rev. 18:9-19):

  • The leaders of the world who acted immorally with Babylon were saddened by its loss
  • Merchants wept and mourned

Let’s stop there. Verses 11-19 deal with the merchants. There are a few things to take note of in these verses.

The merchants are weeping because the most powerful and rich nation has irreparably harmed their businesses. They aren’t sad because people have been hurt or Babylon is gone. They are sad because their riches are gone. John notes that merchants sold every material good possible in his time across the Roman Empire. Today, international trade is how goods are manufactured and distributed across the globe at a scale never seen before, and it’s the United States that is responsible for much of it.

Notice in verse 15 that the business leaders who became rich off of Babylon kept their distance. They were afraid of what was happening to Babylon. If it could happen to the greatest nation in the world, what would happen to them?

Think about it for a moment… The United States is the richest and most powerful nation in the history of the world. Even the poorest among us are richer than most people in the rest of the world. Our resources have made every kind of sin possible as our morals have shifted and decayed over the last 60 years. Christianity is on the decline and secularism has been growing for decades.

We no longer want God as a society. 

We have rebelled from Him in ways unimaginable just a generation ago.

With our wealth and freedoms, we have become the largest global distributors of sexuality, porn, greed, and virtually every depravity imaginable. Today, we accept every kind of evil as good and every kind of good as evil. 

It’s a sad state of affairs.

Our government has passed more evil laws and regulations than we can imagine. It is more corrupt than most of us will ever know. Lawlessness and immorality of every kind stand in line in the hallways of Congress, the White House, and the courtrooms — as well as in statehouses and governor’s mansions.

When we care more about abortion than saving baby’s lives, it’s evil. When we care more about children controlling their parents legally and transforming their gender, it’s evil. When we allow open perversity and call it good, it’s evil.

The list goes on and on.

Let’s look at how far this mighty nation fell in Revelation 18.

From verses 20-24, the Apostle John describes utter horror. A strong angel throws a stone into the sea and declares God’s judgment upon Babylon. It’s a decisive moment. The city is encapsulated in violence. Verse 22 says there will be no joy or happiness. There will also be no work found anywhere.

The result is desolation and isolation.

Even worse, the bride (i.e. the Church) will not hear the bridegroom’s (i.eChrist) voice. 

Not long ago we sent more Christian missionaries into the world than any other country. Verse 23 says the light of this country’s lamp will shine no more. Throughout the Bible light and darkness are used to describe good and evil and God and Satan. 

Today, America exports every kind of corruption, perversity, filth, darkness, and ungodliness imaginable around the world. 

Think about it for a moment. I’ve written about how supposed churches and their leaders are advocating for open rebellion from God. They endorse and participate in open sin under the guise of love without understanding what true love is. In doing so, they bring shame upon themselves and Christ and invite His judgment upon them as these churches become more numerous than those that stand for His truth.

I’ve written a few articles detailing this:

What Does The Unsacred Religion of the LGBTQ Movement Have to Do With The Church?

We Need To Do More To Protect Life After Birth

The Wolves Are Stealing God’s Sheep And Too Many Churches Are Inviting Them Do It

Things aren’t getting better. They are getting worse. There is open mockery of God, the Church, and our faith. Anti-Christian hatred is growing rapidly as has violence against churches since 2018.

When you look at Revelation 18, I believe it describes the United States in the end times.

Can I be certain?

No, I cannot be 100%.

Yet, I can be more certain of where things are headed than at any moment in history. The technology is advancing rapidly and it could easily be used for evil purposes.

Whatever happens, God is on the throne.

Revelation was prophetically written to all ages and times. While it may portray doom and suffering in future events, it is God’s reminder to those of us in Christ that we must remain faithful no matter what is happening around us. 

Revelation 18:4 says, “I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her (Babylon) sins and receive her plagues.”

My brothers and sisters, stay true to the faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth we have inherited. In doing so, you ensure your place with Christ no matter the point of history in which we live.

Blessings to you,

Father Don